The whole experience is arranged exclusively for a closed group of people i.e. there is no one from outside. The maximum capacity is twenty-two people.For more than 11 people there are two boat trips.
The length of the trip depends on the desired duration, with no fixed itinerary, although we usually make two stops in order to appreciate the importance of the places visited.
Boarding is preferably from Belesar, although it can also be from Maiorga. The boat ploughs along the River Miño through four different municipalities: Chantada, O Saviñao, Pantón and Carballeda, bordering the “End of the World Meander” (“Cabo do Mundo”) along its way. One can admire woodlands, vineyards, churches, islands and so on. A stop is made at the well-known waterfall “AUGACAÍDA” in Pantón due to its being one of the foremost attractions in the Ribeira Sacra, a special place easily accessible from the river, five minutes on foot along a track. It’s hard to describe the uniqueness and beauty of the place.
The second stop is at the tourist wine cellar “ECOSACRA” on the banks of the river, located in one of the concave settlements which are typical of the area. Possessed of stunning views, which can only be truly appreciated when seen in person. A visit to the ancient wine cellar “Bodega da Garda” will be made to sample the wine or anothers type of refreshment, accompanied by a variety of excellent quality local products
local oil, cheeses, empanadas ... desserts, coffees and liqueurs.If you wish, we can also offer you a catering from a restaurant in the area.
NOTE: The "ECOSACRA" tourist winery is only visited privately by travelers who hire the boat trip and visit the winery.
Departure: You embark from our winery and you will not have to take the car until the experience ends.
Standard duration of the entire activity 6 hours. Price € 320 / Boat Trip + € 50 / person visit to the winery.
Children under 2 years free, from 2 to 10 years €20, from 10 to 18 €30
NOTE: Reservations for VIP Experiences are made by phone. 982 19 96 56 for mail.